- partial skeleton of child in simple earthen grave, only head, DX arms, part of spine preserved, w-e orientation
- Cori Fenwick
- 23-7-2008
- partial skeleton of child, cut by HRU 2738*
- small tools
- fossa terragna
- singola
- bad
- bad
- Partial skeleton of child, not well preserved, only head, scapula, DX arms and part of spine remain - rest is missing. Skeleton cut by 2738*. W-E orientation, in simple earthen grave.
- skeleton not well preserved, no grave goods
- good
- drita
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
Decomposizione e Compressione
- yes
- yes
- no
- absent
- no
- yes
- ristrettezza della fossa