- Burrial of an adult individual probably mail in earthen cut. disturbed by grave of HRU 2580*.
- Claudia Asper
- 22-7-2008
Sito Foto
- lower half of skeleton on E-W axis parallel to 2410
- small tools
- fossa terragna, singola
- no cover
- W-E
- partial, only right hand, pelvis and lower limbs survive
- good
- Partial skeleton of an andult, supine position with lower limbs extended, upper body missing. Position of right hand suggests arms originally flexed. Cut by grave of HRU 2580*.
- no associated grave goods
- good
- pelvis
- cut by later burial
Decomposizione e Compressione
- absent
- absent
- yes
- no
- right hand
- presenza ipotetica di un sudario o di una fasciatura