- grave of an adult buried in a W-E orientation. Toes are in flexed position- perhaps wrapped or in a coffin?
- Samantha Cox
- 18-6-2009
- phalanges have fallen behind the metatarsals- probable coffin burial
- Samantha Cox
- 19-6-2009
- tibia of adult east of narthex foundation
- small tools
- coffin
- not visible
- W-E
- poor
- good
- Left tibia of an adult in supine position, oriented W-E. Ankle and metatarsals articulated, phalanges have fallen behind metatarsals.
- none
- good
- left leg only
- maturation
- later graves
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- D
- absent
- only lower left leg and toes present- toes flexed
Decomposizione e Compressione
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- connected- foot rotated laterally
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- foot