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    • Southern wall of tomb D in 1st phase
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 1-8-2008
    • southern wall of early tomb at end
      • Cori Fenwick
    • 15-7-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

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  • No records attached.


  • southern wall of tomb D below 2345
  • form, orientation
  • good
  • coursed rubble
  • plaster on northern face
  • 0.60 x 0.15 x 0.81
  • cement
  • pietra tartara
  • not visible
  • reused roman brick/tile
  • crumbly yellowish white
  • not visible
  • not visible
  • E-W tomb wall of coursed bricks and pietra tartara cut at eastern end by 3940 and at western end by tomb D and later graves
  • Related to 2532 and 2344. Same mortar as tomb to south.

Basic Information

  • southern wall of tomb D below 2345

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Cori Fenwick
  • Cori Fenwick
  • 1-8-2008