- burial of an adult possibly body was surroundd by marble, stones and pottery
- Claudia Moser
- 16-6-2008
- adult skeleton west of church facade and perpendicular to wall 2001
- trowel and small tools
- fossa terragna, singola, possibly brick tomb
- no
- S-N
- fairly poor
- fairly poor
- Adult skeleton on S-N axis perpendicular to 2001. Partially preserved. Right leg absent, right arm mostly missing, supine. Lower left leg missing.
- skeleton seems to be surrounded by stones and pottery at sides and around cranium
- good
- disturbed by later graves south of wall 2001
- upright
- flexed
- dx ribs
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
Decomposition and Compression
- yes
- absent
- no
- absent
- no
- no
- no
- bracchia dx, vertebre, arti inferiore
- pressione periferica del sedimento