- burial of child in simple earthen grave disturbed by later graves and construction of wall 2001
- Tyler Franconi
- 16-6-2008
- skeleton of child cut by 2001 and cuts HRU 2426
- trowel and small tools
- fossa terragna, singola
- none
- WE
- mediocre (cut by later activity)
- good
- skeleton of child on E-W axis cut by wall 2001 partial preservation, head missing, left arm an leg missing, hands and feet missing, supine, right arm crossed above pelvis
- good
- not possible - child
- length of long bones
- badly cut by later graves and wall
- missing
- absent
- absent
- flexed
- absent
- absen
- extended
- no cranium - cut by later graves
Decomposition and Compression
- no
- yes
- no
- no
- no
- /
- no
- dx and sx omeri, dx tibia e radio, dx fibula e ulna
- pressione periferica del sedimento