- burial of adult in tomb e, disturbed by later burials.
- Cori Fenwick
- 24-7-2007
Site Photo
- skeleton of adult in south side in tomb E below skeleton of 2380*
- small tools
- altro, singola
- altro, beaten earth surface
- W-E
- poor
- good
- Burial of an adult lying on right side, with left arm flexed, spine twisted. Scapula slipped. Lower vertebrae on left side missing, due to later burials of 2380* and 2551*. In tomb E, a rectangular, walled communal tomb with 6 other individuals.
- no associated finds
- good
- bacino
- radici incomplete
Decomposition and Compression
- si
- si
- si
- si
- dx humerus
- pressione periferica del sedimento