- burial of a child in a simple earthen grave. Earlier than 2194* and 2187*.
- Karen Heslin
- 19-7-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
Site Photo
- skeleton of child, north of 2103
- small tools
- Fossa terragna, singola. Scheletro di un bambino a nord del muro 2103.
- W-E
- poor
- poor
- Supine skeleton of a child, fragmentary, with poorly preserved bones. Articulated. Truncated left leg with tibia and fibula missing. Feet and hands missing. Left arm missing. W-E orientation and simple earthen grave.
- no associated grave goods
- good
- lunghezza degli arti
- missing cranium, left arm, hands, feet
Decomposition and Compression
- si
- no
- no
- pressione periferica del sedimento (in terra piena)