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    • infant skeleton in communal tomb
      • Tanya Bowie
    • 19-7-2007
    • Grave of infant skeleton from churchyard phase, below plaster floor. Originally presumed to have been part of tomb E, but since its cut damaged the tomb walls, it is more likely that it belongs to the churchyard phase.
      • Cori Fenwick
    • 12-7-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

Site Photo


  • skeleton of infant in tomb E, below 2347
  • trowel, small tools
  • fossa terragna, singola - in tomb E
  • no - beaten earth surface
  • W-E
  • fair
  • fair; skull damaged, ribs brittle
  • Skeleton of an infant in tomb E. Lower half of both tibias and fibulas truncated, hands sunken into ribcage. Unclear which is left and right. FIll does not contain grave goods. Grave cut roughly rectangular edges of cut. Hard to define.
  • Truncated lower leg bones. Cause of truncation unknown.
  • good
  • cut by insertion of later burials


  • slighty turned south, upright
  • flesso
  • assente
  • flesso
  • assente
  • disteso
  • disteso


Decomposition and Compression

  • si
  • si
  • no
  • no
  • /
  • si
  • no
  • pressione periferica del sedimento

Isotope Analysis


Basic Information

  • skeleton of infant in tomb E, below 2347




Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Cori Fenwick
  • 19-7-2007
  • Cori Fenwick
  • 17-7-2007