- Cut for the construction of wall [2103]. Same phase as laying down of earliest plaster surface and reorganization of cemetery.
- Cori Fenwick
- 26-7-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- form
- E-W: 3.67
- poor
- artificial
- Cut for the construction of wall 2103, for foundation offset. E-W oriented, linear cut.
- postdates at least the second latest phase of cemetery
- good
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- cut for construction of wall [2103] on north side
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Cori Fenwick
- Karen Heslin
- 4-7-2007