- burial of a small child on west to east orienattion in simple earthen grave disturbed by later activity.
- Seth Bernard
- 19-6-2007
Site Photo
- skeleton of a child south of wall 2001 and east of wall 2081
- small tools
- fossa terragna, singola
- N/A, copertura solo con rimpimento
- W-E
- poor
- good
- Small child laid on a W-E orientation with head turned south. The cut of the grave is oval-shaped. Minimal finds in the fill 2205. Arms and legs disarticulated and moved from original position. Supine position.
- Arms both disarticulated with pieces missing. Same with legs. Hands and feet missing.
- poor
- omero, clavicola, radio, tibia, femore
- arms and legs are disarticulated
- original position, facing east
- flesso
- assente
- flesso
- assente
- flesso
- flesso