- Compact floor surface, could be bedding for pavement in association with 2063. Confused nature of S end of floor may be due to construction of ossuary.
- Mark Perks
- 22-6-2006
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
- limiti, composizione
- piccone, pala
- 250 x 192 cm
- terra con ossa e carbone
- marrone
- compatto
- buona
- artificiale
- pietre
- ossa, carbone
- laterizi, malta
- Uneven compact floor layer with brick stone and mortar inclusions, passing under the bulk to the west and limited by 2059 to south 2024 to east and 2063 to north. Notevole quantita' di ossa.
- uneven and compact at the north end, south end seems more uneven with stone inclusions and some remaining bones
Inventario di Ceramica
Totale | |
2 | |
13 | |
55 | |
5 | |
1 | |
1 |
Basic Information
- piano di calpestio localizzato nell'angolo NO della trincea,delimitato a N da 2063, a S da 2059 ed ad E da 2034
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Caroline Goodson
- 30-6-2006
- Valentina Follo
- 22-6-2006