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  • (1756)
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  • tiles
  • pick, trowel
  • 1.96 x 1.48 m maximum
  • mortar, tile
  • blue-gray
  • very hard
  • man-made
  • tile, mortar, glass
  • Large rectangular tile sits on chippy layer of marble fragments. Northern tile is exposed, other completely covered by mortar lumps. Feature contained within 1251/1256 and 1751 consisting of large blue mortar lumps covering tiles. Area has been subject to destruction and tiles survive in fragments across the area, imprint for location of tiles is visible in clay beneath.
  • Fragments of tile also observed at northern end of cut/fill 1202/1203, although none in situ, seems to suggest that this feature continued to the east. Tiles also visible to the east of 1202, associated again with blue mortar and layer of gray marble chips.
  • glass in 1273 at level of 1756

Ceramic Inventory

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Basic Information

  • Tile and mortar feature in the n w corner

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • 21-7-2007
  • Janine Young
  • 24-7-2007