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    • Backfill of robbed out dolium.
      • Janine Young
    • 15-7-2007

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • Nessun Record e' Leggato

Sito Foto

  • No records attached.


  • color, compaction
  • pick, trowel
  • 1.2 wide x .41 m deep
  • sandy silt
  • dark gray-brown
  • fairly hard
  • fairly good
  • man-made
  • mortar, pavement preparation, spiccatum
  • fairly compact fill of dark gray-brown sandy silt with occasional mortar and pavement preparation lumps

Inventario di Ceramica

There are no results for this record

Basic Information

  • Fill of dolium cut 1708.


  • VM_O239
    • Fragment

Elementi Architectonici

  • VM_AE321
    • Roman
    • file_image
  • VM_AE322
    • Roman
    • file_image

Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • 15-7-2007
  • Melissa Bailey
  • 18-7-2007