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    • Construction layer for dolium, base for pavement preparation. Used to build up/clad around the dolium.
      • Janine Young
    • 19-7-2007

Stratigraphic Relationships

Site Photo


  • color, compaction
  • seen all over trench
  • sandy clay
  • brown-yellow
  • very hard
  • good
  • man-made
  • blue mortar lumps, smaller rubble speckles
  • layer of compact yellow clay with infrequent largish fragments of blue mortar and rubble speckles
  • fairly consistent makeup around whole of trench, most apparent around edges of 1041 and around dolium cuts

Ceramic Inventory

 Total fragments

Basic Information

  • Clay construction layer with mortar blue lumps/packing.

Architectural Elements

  • VM_AE641
    • Roman
    • file_image


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • Melissa Bailey
  • 18-7-2007