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  • (1695)
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  • composizione, stratigrafia
  • pick, trowel
  • N-S: ca 5.2 m; E-W: ca 5.5 m
  • grigio-blu
  • sufficiente
  • artificiale
  • tartara locale
  • frammenti di laterizi, malta
  • Pavement preparation visible at the bottom of SU 1322, similar to but at a lower stratum than SU 1307. Consists of blue-gray mortar and travertine, and also contains brick fragments.
  • The preparation probably continues throughout the trench, separated from SU 1307 by a layer of clay. The cut 1322 continues beyond the eastern limit of the trench, as does presumably SU 1695.

Ceramic Inventory

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Basic Information

  • pavement preparation which forms the bottom of SU 1322

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Federica Romiti
  • 27-7-2007
  • Monica Hellstrom
  • 27-7-2007