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    • poshole, intentionally filled
      • Federica Romiti
    • 20-7-2007

Stratigraphic Relationships

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  • consistenza
  • trowel
  • N-S: 22 cm; E-W: 30 cm
  • sufficiente
  • artificiale
  • Cut in SU 1307 closed by a big rock. Part of a cluster of similar cuts, flanked by smaller ones.
  • intentionally filled

Ceramic Inventory

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Basic Information

  • taglio nel SU 1307 a E di SU 1669 con un profilo rettangolare

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Federica Romiti
  • 20-7-2007
  • Monica Hellstrom
  • 20-7-2007