- fill of posthole, intentional
- Federica Romiti
- 20-7-2007
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- stratigrafici
- trowel, pick
- uguale a 1669
- nero
- molto compatto
- artificiale
- una pietra molto grossa; piccolissimi pietre
- frammenti di malta e laterizi
- Fill of SU 1669, consisting of an extremely compact mix of black soil, small rocks, and fragments of bricks and mortar. A large rock fills almost the entire hole.
- the fill is not bottomed
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- riempimento di SU 1669
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Federica Romiti
- 20-7-2007
- Monica Hellstrom
- 20-7-2007