- No Interpretations
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- stratigrafici
- trowel, pick
- uguale a SU 1661
- argillosa
- marrone scuro
- molto compatto, e sotto molto friabile
- terra nera, pietrisco di piccole dimensioni, ciottoli di calcara
- radici
- frustuli di malta, frammenti di laterizi
- The fill consists of very compact balck soil mixed with clay, with many inclusions of tiny dimensions; mainly brick fragments, minuscule rocks, and limestone chips. Walls and bottom are yellow clay. The circular continuation in the SE corner is filled with loose dark soil without inclusions at the top, but with mortar pebbles and brick and limestone chips towards the bottom. This composition also makes up the bottom of the hole.
Ceramic Inventory
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Basic Information
- riempimento di SU 1661
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Federica Romiti
- 18-7-2007
- Monica Hellstrom
- 19-7-2007