- Nessuna Interpretazione
Sito Foto
- consistenza, colore
- pick, trowel
- rectangle 40 x 40 cm, circle diameter 11 cm
- buono
- artificiale
- Rectangular cut at the south border of SU 1312, forming an almost square basin dressed on three sides by stone slabs, a brick, and mortar/travertine spill from 1307. The cut bottoms in pure clay, but continues deeper in the SE corner, with a circular profile.
- Mortar and limestone appear to have been cut to present a smooth N wall. The cut is covered by densely packed rocks. SU 1661 cuts through a level of brick fragments which is preserved undisturbed in the NW corner.
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- taglio rettangolare in SU 1312 che continua piu basso nell angolo SE con profilo circolare
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Federica Romiti
- 18-7-2007
- Monica Hellstrom
- 19-7-2007