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    • Cut appears to be contemporary with 1125 and 1056; all follow similar lines and have very similar fills. Possibly represents robbing out of dolium.
      • Janine Young
    • 24-7-2007

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • Nessun Record e' Leggato

Sito Foto

  • No records attached.


  • shape/form
  • pick and trowel
  • poor
  • man made
  • Large irregular shaped cut in east of trench, base of cut is defined by yellow clay, which is undulating and cut in places for dolium. Eastern limit is defined by 1219, southern limit by 1125. Uncertain edges. Where pavement survives, cut is vertical.

Inventario di Ceramica

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Basic Information

  • Large cut in e of trench equal to 1056 identified in 2006

Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • 20-6-2007
  • Janine Young
  • 12-7-2007