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    • Original fill only remains in tiny fragments.
      • Janine Young
    • 4-6-2007

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • Nessun Record e' Leggato

Sito Foto

  • No records attached.


  • 385 x 110 x 2 cm
  • sticky clay
  • black
  • stiff
  • poor
  • Barely any original fill seems to remain as has been recut and filled so many times, although a discernable difference was noticed at the base of the fill 1224 where sticky black clay containing pottery was also present.
  • Late medieval pottery?

Inventario di Ceramica

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Basic Information

  • Fill of 1219

Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • 4-6-2007
  • Janine Young
  • 12-6-2007