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    • Linear cut, some discussion over being possible cut for foundation trench for a wall although date is uncertain.
      • Janine Young
    • 4-6-2007
    • Robber trench for a north-south structure, probably a channel running from lacus cut into calcatorium.
      • Lisa Fentress
    • 13-12-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

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  • pick and shovel
  • 110 x 385 cm
  • good
  • Linear cut in yellow clay 1218. Vertical edges. Very regular. Base is almost flat but undualtes across the trench.
  • perpendicular to 111b

Ceramic Inventory

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Basic Information

  • Wide linear cut in yellow clay


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • 4-6-2007
  • Janine Young
  • 12-6-2007