- Fill of ancient cut which has been cut and disturbed by modern cuts.
- Janine Young
- 5-6-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- very frequent inclusions of CBM marble
- pick and trowel
- sandy silt
- light brown gray
- loose and friable
- good
- man-made
- marble fragments: floor, walls, tiles, tesserae, cubilla, bricks cut for walls, statue, fresco
- Fill of cut containing >80% inclusions of very large tile fragments, CBM, marble fragments, opus spicatum. Fill is not clearly defined as it has been cut on many sides by modern inclusions. In some areas it is much clearer than others.
- statue found in fill
- statue, tile, marble, CBM
- unstable
Inventario di Ceramica
- 100 AD - 200 AD
- Cut fill probably late Roman or Medieval, no dating evidence.
Totale | |
1 | |
1 |
Basic Information
- Fill of 1053 (additional fill)
- Inscription, numerical, dolium rim fragment
Elementi Architectonici
failed to get markup 'sculpture'
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Janine Young
- 5-6-2007
- Janine Young
- 12-6-2007