- rubble layer covering destruction of mosaic floor of 1108/1109.
- Kelcy Sagstetter
- 5-7-2006
- Fill of 1118
- Lisa Fentress
- 24-5-2011
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- materiale
- piccone, trowel
- terra, pietre, tile, gravel, tesserae, bits of plaster from fresco
- marone
- friabile
- buono
- pietre
- radici
- tile, tesserae, fresco pieces
- Riempiment di 1118. Loose brown earth with large bites of rubble--tile, large and small pieces of fresco (preparation + plaster), stones, gravel. Have excavated approximately 2 m down from top/ 1.5 m down from 1108/1109 and not found floor.
- two squared holes with rounded backs appeared. 8 inches deep filled by 1119 appear to be holes for ceiling beams only 1.5 m-2m from top of trench, so floor (not found) seems likely to be much deeper (2-3 meters further down?)
- posizione stratigrafica
- buono
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Riempimento di 1118
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Marco Maiuro
- 4-7-2006
- Kelcy Sagstetter
- 5-7-2006