- lower fill of dolium representing destruction of dolium and 15, pottery suggests the destruction is early
- Janine Young
- 25-6-2006
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
- very frequent marble
- trowel and pick
- n-s 155 e-w 175 max extent
- sandy silt
- light brown gray
- loose
- artifical
- radici
- tegulae, marble, slate, pottery, opus signinum
- Lower fill of dolium, light gray brown sandy silt containing very frequent inclusions of marble slabs of various dimensions, small pieces of serpentine, broken tegla, occassional stone, large fragments of dolium very rare slate frags, several large shaped pieces of opus signinum.
- Fill primarily consists of inclusions < 60% fill was seen to extent beyond the dolium and when trench was extended was seen to be equal to 76.
- pottery
- good
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Riempimento del dolium prima phase
Elementi Architectonici
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Marco Maiuro
- 30-6-2006
- Janine Young
- 21-6-2006