- Cistern
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 24-6-2010
Stratigraphic Relationships
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- E-W cistern south of cisterns SU 10000, 10032, and 10033
- form, composition
- preserved only on east and west ends
- stone, mortar
- cocciopesto
- inner width: 4.58 m
- grayish
- tufo, irregular white ~10 cm
- 2 cm
- not visible
- grayish, compact
- incertum: 10 cm
- Cistern 10034 is largely destroyed except for in the east and west ends. The north and south walls are composed of opus reticulatum that is barely visible under the cocciopesto and calcareous deposit. The E-W walls are incertum. A vaulted area is preserved on both east and west ends. Cocciopesto is present on the walls of almost the whole preserved surface.
- The cistern was not excavated to its base.
Basic Information
- E-W cistern south of cisterns SU 10000, 10032, and 10033
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 8-6-2010
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 22-6-2010