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ContestoTipo di ContestoDefinizioneRegistrato DaData di Registrazione
VM_2107HRUscheletro umano di un juvenile collocato al ridosso del muro 2089Justin Leidwanger4-7-2006
VM_2466HRUskeleton of child on S-N orientation, west of church and below 2463*Cori Fenwick20-6-2008
VM_2297HRUadult skeleton north of wall 2103 and below 2278*Cori Fenwick11-7-2007
VM_2275HRUskeleton of adult west of church facadeCori Fenwick9-7-2007
VM_2264HRUskeleton of child south of wall 2001 and north of HRU 2267*Cori Fenwick6-7-2007
VM_2821HRUfragmentary skeleton west of 2807 and north of 2001Cori Fenwick29-7-2008
VM_2153HRUhuman skeleton to north of HRU 2106* and west of church facadeCori Fenwick11-6-2007
VM_2399HRUburial of juvenile at south side of tomb ECori Fenwick25-7-2007
VM_2173HRUhuman skeleton to west of church facade and south of wall 2001, north of HRU 2170*Claudia Asper18-6-2007
VM_2270HRUskeleton of adult north of wall 2103Cori Fenwick6-7-2007
VM_2351HRUskeleton of adult in tomb E, below 2348*Cori Fenwick17-7-2007
VM_4101HRUjuvenile skeleton situated near SU 4018 near the western edge of the trenchRaffaele Laino23-7-2007
VM_2837HRUskeleton of juvenile parallel and south of 2001, north of wall 2840 Cori Fenwick29-5-2009
VM_2884HRUupper sn side of adult skeleton parallel to 2416 cut by grave of HRU 2884*Cori Fenwick9-6-2009
VM_3509HRUskeleton of young femle in tomb west on campanileCori Fenwick19-6-2009
VM_3550HRUjuvenile skeleton east of 2807 and north of 2001Cori Fenwick3-7-2009
VM_3562HRUlegs of juvenile, north of 2416Cori Fenwick6-7-2009
VM_3556HRUskeleton of juvenile missing torso and cranium, north of 2001 and immediately west of church stepsCori Fenwick6-7-2009
VM_3574HRUPartial juvenile skeleton cut by HRU 3571* at right shoulder, SW-NE orientation. South of 2001.Cori Fenwick6-7-2009
VM_3581HRUjuvenile skeleton, missing cranium and lower legs, parallel to 2416Cori Fenwick6-7-2009
VM_3603HRUjuvenile skeleton parallel to 2345Cori Fenwick7-7-2009
VM_3616HRUadult skeleton parallel to wall 2345 below HRU 2603*Cori Fenwick7-7-2009
VM_3713HRUjuvenile W-E skeleton below HRU 3592*, severely disturbed torsoCori Fenwick13-7-2009
VM_3677HRUadult skeleton cutting narthex wall 2807Cori Fenwick9-7-2009
VM_3756HRUskeleton of juvenile on multiple tomb north of porch, below HRU 3547*Cori Fenwick15-7-2009
VM_3724HRUpartial juvenile torso, W-E orientation inside campanileCori Fenwick13-7-2009
VM_3785HRUS-N adult skeleton in walled tomb cut into narthexCori Fenwick17-7-2009
VM_3859HRUE-W burial below foundation offset for campanile.Cori Fenwick24-7-2009
VM_3914HRUjuvenile skeleton in 'central walled tomb' in S narthexCori Fenwick17-6-2010
VM_4488HRUHRU in SE extent of corridor II, abutting churchMeg Andrews18-6-2010
Total Pages:  2Total Results: 34