Villa Magna


    • Roman wall from a phase of the laconicum complex when the praefurnium was no longer in use
      • Seth Bernard
    • 24-7-2009

Stratigraphic Relationships

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  • brick wall against circular structure
  • wall
  • good
  • opus latericium
  • 6.35 x 2.13 x .61
  • lime cement; dark pozz.; dark brown, gray, medium (less than or equal to 2 mm inclusions)
  • light yellow porous tuff
  • 2
  • light orangish pink, various sizes of brick employed;
  • medium-hard; whitish gray
  • 6-7 cm
  • 33 cm
  • Wall of completely brick construction abutting the SE extension of the laconicum construction and running west past the limit of the trench thus defining a narrow interior space south of the laconicum's curved exterior wall. Wall is primarily built of triangular bricks of two thicknesses (type 1: 5-6 cm; type II: 3-4 cm) of a length of +/- 26 cm. A foundation offset of two visible courses as well as the 1st and 4th courses up from the offset consist of bipedales (57-59 cm). The mortar beds are all of a fairly consistent height.rnThe foundation offset extends to a maximum of 7 cm beyond the face of the wall; 1.53 m above the offset within the 26th course up on the north side are exposed four put log holes. The first is 13 cm from the E end of the wall; the next is two bricks down, and the final two are evenly spaced four bricks apart. They are rectangular and are c. 10 cm long and 7 cm high. With the cement core at a distance of 1-1.60 m from the eastern terminus are visible the top edges of at least 6 bricks set vertically that appear as if the intact top of a brick arch has been reused in the cement core, though no sign of it appears in the wall\'s face. Furthermore, at this point, a mass of concrete and broken cubiliae extend 40 cm from the wall\'s face, perhaps the juncture of another S running wall into the section.rnThe wall is built to abut the southward extension of the opus mixtum vittatum wall 6184 and the brickwork conforms to the shape of the latter wall\'s offset. To the western end of the trench, there is a door in the wall, but as the west most door post is completely destroyed, its width cannot be determined.
  • masonry
  • Roman

Basic Information

  • brick wall against circular structure


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Dirk Booms
  • 10-7-2009
  • Claudia Moser
  • 19-6-2009