Villa Magna


    • Might have supported a balustrade for the winepressing facilities on top of the lacus. \"Step\" might be the first step of small stairs leading up onto the lacus.
      • Dirk Booms
    • 23-7-2007

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • No Linked Records

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  • wall running E-W against which calcatorium is built
  • technique, construction
  • good
  • concrete
  • reticulate, mixtum
  • 31 - 75 cm
  • tufa cubilia
  • triangular red brick
  • Wall running E-W against which on one side the vasca was built and on the other side the lacus. Faced with reticulate on both sides. Concrete rubble in center. In front of the lacus, the wall is 31 cm wide, while on the western side, it becomes 75 cm. The change in width is visible at 332 cm from 1250, where a facing towards the west in rectangular tufa blocks was created. The lower part of the wall shows a very rectangular reticulate facing, on top of which one course was laid to provide the holes for the marble slabs (7 holes). For this the cubilia were put in a straight manner. On top of this layer, at 22 cm above the spicatum floor, another facing in reticulate was laid (more irregular). Brick can be found only where the wall bonds with 1250. Also on the eastern side, the wall becomes 75 cm wide, although the exact location of the change cannot be identified. It occurs possibly where the wall seems to show a step (30 cm deep, 70 cm long). Behind the edge a vertical edge of the concrete core is visible, possibly being the place where the concrete core was laid against the wall, which there was 75 cm wide. The wall continues to run underneath the granaio, and was cut to install a drain around the granaio. On the east side, a modern repair is visible.

Basic Information

  • wall running E-W against which calcatorium is built


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Janine Young
  • Melissa Bailey
  • 18-7-2007