Villa Magna


    • Late Roman wall
      • Seth Bernard
    • 22-7-2009

Stratigraphic Relationships

Site Photo

  • No records attached.


  • E-W wall running length of trench G6
  • shape
  • poor
  • opus incertum
  • none
  • cubiliae, fragments of wall painting in mortar
  • 8.30 x .45 m
  • lime cement, small circular dark black inclusions; small circular dark red pozzolana?
  • roughly cut limestone, gray-tan to white with no inclusions
  • +/- 5 cm
  • hard white to light gray
  • 8-14 cm (variable)
  • N/A
  • Wall of roughly dressed stones abutting the corner of the villa but preserving the same alignment. Hard limestone laid in courses with some attention to giving a face but stones are mostly undressed. Stones are laid into very thick mortar beds which are then leveled off giving the wall flat horizontal surfaces where broken though courses themselves do not contain flat stones. Mortar is at some points smeared over the facing surface of the laid stones, but not with any regularity.
  • Painted wall plaster in mortar suggests that this postdates some destruction of the villa proper. Unclear if it extends east beyond juncture with 6297 as that has not been excavated below a rubble destruction.
  • wall plaster in mortar

Basic Information

  • E-W wall running length of trench G6


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Seth Bernard
  • 15-7-2009
  • Seth Bernard
  • 22-7-2009