- This seems to be one of a series of piers/pilasters that supported a roof. (5029), a burned layer, contains (5060), the carbonized remains of the roof structure. With [5037] to the immediate N, perhaps these pilasters formed part of a portico that followed the line of the road.
- Ryan Ricciardi
- 26-7-2007
Site Photo
- base di pilastro presso la sezione E del saggio
- color, compaction, components
- poor
- pick, shovel, trowel
- Although this has not been entirely exposed in the 2007 season, the lower visible course is a large brick. Atop the brick and stepped in about 3 cm is a stone faced with plaster. The stone shows evidence of destruction or poor construction; the top that remains is uneven and appears almost broken.
- There are 3 squares, approximately 3.5 m apart, all approximately .50 x .50 m, that follow the line of 5022. This wall and these bases also respect the line of the road 5015.
Basic Information
- base di pilastro presso la sezione E del saggio
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Serena Privitera
- Tom Morton
- 25-7-2007
- Tom Morton
- 26-7-2007