- muro perimetrale
- Serena Privitera
- 20-6-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- struttura muraria in cementizio orientata E-W rinvenuta presso la sezione NW del saggio
- forma
- discreta
- trowel, pick, bobcat, brush
- vedi pianta (1.94 x 4.43 m)
- East of 5033: light gray with frequent inclusions of purple pozzolana and occasionally lime; pozz. chunks less than 2 cm; pozzolana appears to have been washed; west of ditch: darker gray with frequent inclusions of purple pozz. more varied in size and rather dense along with other inert materials such as small stones. Lime appears dusty, so pozzolana is presumably unwashed; west of ditch: T.B.D.
- Struttura cementizia orientata E-W tagliata da US 5004, verso E in maniera piu sistematica e profunda, verso W sembra essere stata risparmiata dai tagli 5010 e 5012, e copera da US 5005 e riempie lo strato di argilla 5020; no apparent foundation offset; foundations east of 5033 consist of rubble caementicium with limestone chunks for coarse aggregate capped by a bonding course of bipedals 57 cm 2. the wall above these foundations survives in two courses of roughly squared tartara stone followed by a course of triangular bricks 17-20 cm wide. West of 5033: one tufelli course visible on northern face, no capping course or bricks apparent, height of foundations (bonding course?) changes in line with step of portico; East of Ditch: no traces of bipedals evident, foundations contain more varied aggregate of roughly coursed limestone chunks and friable yellow tufa, triangular bricks evident in small part of northern and western sides west of 5044. West of ditch: bipedal traces evident, foundations same, no wall above foundations extant. West of 5301: foundations and 3 courses of bricks evident with two courses of brick evident with two courses of tufelli between them, same technique as wall east of 5033.
- Si lega a 5018 che prosegue in direzione N-S, uguale a 5008