- Human skeleton in a tomb
- Caroline Goodson
- 18-6-2009
- scheletro umano in prima deposizione in fossa 4266
- small tools
- fosse terragne
- coffin?
- W:E
- good
- good
- Skeleton of adult human with W-E orientation in an earthen grave. The individual was cut by the construction of a large post hole in subsequent building activity.
- good
- size of bones
- subsequent building actions
- lateral sinistro
- d
- a
- d
- a
- a
- a
- Bones from another individ appeared to be emerging to the south, though none were found during excavations
Decomposition and Compression
- yes
- yes
- n/a
- n/a
- turned to the right
- no
- no
- n/a
- n/a
- ribs are shifted downwards and mandible is separated (open)