- fill of pit with ashlars
- Caroline Goodson
- 18-1-2008
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- composition, compaction
- trowel
- width 3 m, length unknown.
- yellowish brown
- firm
- good
- artificial
- limestone
- charcoal
- ashlar limestone, pottery, tile, mortar
- Fill to cut 4068. Contains large ashlar stones that appear to define the pit by their distribution across the context (see context sheet 4048).
- this fill was recorded from the section and combined with the information from fill 4048 due to the missed cut 4068 when excavating. the plan from 4048 seems to suggest a pit due to the distribution of the drawn ashlar stones which were the most significant features in the layer.
- poor
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- fill to cut 4068.
Record Details
- Jordan Pickett
- 18-7-2007