- adult skeleton (probably male) buried in simple earthen grave
- Cori Fenwick
- 13-6-2007
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- human skeleton to west of church facade and south of wall 2001
- small tools
- fossa terragna, singola
- non e copertura, solo riempimento (2169)
- W-E
- good
- good
- Well preserved adult skeleton in supine position with left arm flexed (right missing), and legs extended, oriented W-E in front of the church facade. Burial is in simple earthen grave with fragments of glass, ceramic, and bronze present in fill (SU 2169).
- The skeleton is cut by SU 2159, the cut of the grave of 2153*, a later grave on a slightly different alignment (atlante e epistrofeo trovavti disconessi).
- medium
- mandibola, coxale, ossi sacro
- lunghezza delle ossa
- The grave of 2170* is cut on south side by 2159 resulting in the absence of the right superior limbs.
- facing east, original position
- flesso
- disconessa
- assente
- disconnessa
- disteso
- disteso
Decomposition and Compression
- si
- no
- n/a
- no
- no
- no
- n/a
- missing right tibia, ulna, radius and both hands
- ristrettezza della fossa
Isotope Analysis
Basic Information
- human skeleton to west of church facade and south of wall 2001
- Adult skeleton
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Cori Fenwick
- 13-6-2007
- Cori Fenwick
- 13-6-2007