- robber trench to remove fistulae
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 24-6-2010
Stratigraphic Relationships
- No Linked Records
- form
- channel-east end-20 cm wide, west is 17 cm wide, length 140 cm wide- 12 diameter wall cut - 120 cm wide
- no later intervents
- artificial
- Cut running east to west towards a round hole of a 12 cm diameter that goes under the modern road. The cut forms a channel shape in the center and slopes gently towards the west. The cut in the center has shaply sloping sides and is mostly horizontal on the base. The western cut is formed in wall of the cistern SU 100000 and the sides of the cut wall are cut vertically and then are horizontal on the base except for the canal center.
- cut was excavated outside the cistern
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Cut coming out of cistern 10000 heading west into a hole under modern road
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 19-6-2010
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 22-6-2010