- Wall of cistern containing fistulae for the filling of the cistern.
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 23-6-2010
Stratigraphic Relationships
- No Linked Records
- E-W wall composed of northern wall of cistern SU 10000
- form, composition
- well preserved on interior, exterior is largely scraped
- cubilia, mortar, bricks, and stones
- small stones ~2cm
- see plan
- top: grayish yellow; bottom: whitish yellow
- top: tufo cubilia; bottom: white irregular ~10cm
- 2 cm
- 21 cm long, 4 cm wide
- compact and yellowish
- brick: 4 cm, tufo: 12 cm, stone: 6 cm
- top: 45 cm, bottom: 35 cm
- The northern-most wall of cistern SU 10000. The southern, interior wall is largely preserved with the exception of a modern window and doorway. The lower portion of the wall maintains its opus signinum facing, as does the NW top corner. The exterior of the wall is largely damaged and scraped. The interior of the wall is composed of opus reticulatum construction for 225 cm, followed by a brick layer of three courses of a total height of 18 cm, including mortar. Below the brick layer is exposed opus incertum for approx 53 cm followed by the base which is still covered with cocciopesto-opus signinum. 170 cm of the wall with cocciopesto was exposed. There is a large hold in the northwest corner that has been reinforced with modern materials. The hole begins about 15 cm from the vault and is 60 cm high and about 50 cm wide. There is another cut that is approx 30 cm from the eastern-most end. The cut is also enforced with modern materials, is 120 cm wide, visibly 220 cm high and about 50 cm thick. The cut begins about 20 cm down on the eastern side of the vault. The opus signinum-lower portion of the wall is cut by at least 3, and most likely 5, vertical cuts in a trapezoidal shape on the south face of the wall. There are several round holes of 9 cm to 20 cm diameters, some reinforced with modern cement. 80 cm down from the top of the vault is a course of 5 bricks measuring 25 cm, including the mortar.
- The wall was excavated only to the point that the fistulae holes were found in the cut SU 10027. Lower rubble part is also on the interior of the wall structure.
Basic Information
- E-W wall composed of northern wall of cistern SU 10000
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 11-6-2010
- Ismini Miliaresis
- 22-6-2010