- burial of an infant in simple earth grave disturbed by later graves
- Cori Fenwick
- 12-7-2007
Site Photo
- skeleton of infant west of church facade
- small tools
- fossa terragna, singola
- fill is only cover
- W-E
- mediocre
- poor
- Skeleton of infant west of church facade in supine position, on W-E orientation. Cranium severely damaged, missing left arm and lower legs due to insertion of later graves. Burial is in simple earth grave in 2287.
- no associated grave goods
- good
- lunghezza, arti
- cut by later graves
- damaged badly
- extended
- left of pelvis
- extended
- right of pelvis
- extended
- extended
Decomposition and Compression
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- left arm, cranium, legs
- Ristrettezza della fossa, pressione periferica del sedimento (in piena terra)