- fill for grave of 2159*
- Caroline Goodson
- 6-6-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
- No Linked Records
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- fill
- small tools
- sandy soil
- brown
- very soft, friable
- not good
- artificial
- bones
- Brown sandy soil, friable fill. Oval shape, orientation W-E.
- the limits of the fill were very difficult to identify
- medium
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- riempimento del taglio SU 2161, della tomba di HRU 2159*
- Infant skeleton
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Caroline Goodson
- 6-6-2007
- Cori Fenwick
- 11-6-2007