Context | Context Type | Definition | Issued to | Issued on |
VM_2831 | HRU | adult skeleton cut by wall 2001 in SE corner of churchyard | Cori Fenwick | 29-5-2009 |
VM_2700 | HRU | lower half of skeleton on E-W axis parallel to 2410 | Cori Fenwick | 21-7-2008 |
VM_2426 | HRU | adult skeleton parallel to wall 2001 and below HRU 2423* | Tyler Franconi | 17-6-2008 |
VM_2207 | HRU | skeleton of an adult east of wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2210 | HRU | skeleton of an adult north of HRU 2110* | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2235 | HRU | skeleton west of wall 2081 and south of wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 3-7-2007 |
VM_2297 | HRU | adult skeleton north of wall 2103 and below 2278* | Cori Fenwick | 11-7-2007 |
VM_2580 | HRU | skeleton of adult below 2504* | Claudia Asper | 9-7-2008 |
VM_4083 | HRU | Scheletro con andamento N-S posto al centro del lato occidentale del saggio. | Raffaele Laino | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2685 | HRU | E-W skeleton inside campanile | Cori Fenwick | 17-7-2008 |
VM_2273 | HRU | skeleton of adult east of 2026 and west of church facade | Karen Heslin | 6-7-2007 |
VM_2332 | HRU | Partial skeleton of an adult cut by wall 2001. | Karen Heslin | 16-7-2007 |
VM_2743 | HRU | skeleton of adult on SW-NE orientation, north of 2001 and above HRU 2476* | Cori Fenwick | 24-7-2008 |
VM_2388 | HRU | skeleton of adult in south side in tomb E below skeleton of 2380* | Jordan Pickett | 24-7-2007 |
VM_2504 | HRU | adult skeleton east of wall 2331 and parallel to HRU 2486* | Cori Fenwick | 25-6-2008 |
VM_4077 | HRU | scheletro con andamento N-S adiacente al lato ovest di SSU 4005 | Raffaele Laino | 18-7-2007 |
VM_2828 | HRU | skeleton of adult, W-E orientation, cuts tomb G | Cori Fenwick | 28-5-2009 |
VM_2383 | HRU | adult male skeleton east of 2081 and west of church facade | Jordan Pickett | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2170 | HRU | human skeleton to west of church facade and south of wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 13-6-2007 |
VM_2380 | HRU | burial of adult below 2388* in tomb E on north side | Jordan Pickett | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2134 | HRU | scheletro umano ad ovest di 2061 | Justin Leidwanger | 6-7-2006 |
VM_2576 | HRU | N-S skeleton parallel to pier 2026 | Claudia Asper | 8-7-2008 |
VM_2108 | HRU | scheletro umano di un adulto collocato al ridosso del muro 2089 e 2081 | Justin Leidwanger | 4-7-2006 |
VM_2110 | HRU | cranio di un scheletro umano collocato nell area SO della trincea | Justin Leidwanger | 4-7-2006 |
VM_2306 | HRU | adult skeleton cut by wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 11-7-2007 |
VM_2335 | HRU | Adult skeleton with head facing north, north of wall 2103 | Cori Fenwick | 17-7-2007 |
VM_2132 | HRU | scheletro (parziale) sul limite sud di 2123 | Justin Leidwanger | 6-7-2006 |
VM_4062 | HRU | scheletro posto lungo il lato occidentale di 4005 | ||
VM_4073 | HRU | scheletro in posizione supina con andamento N-S adiacente il lato occidentale di SU 4005 | Raffaele Laino | 17-7-2007 |
VM_4067 | HRU | adult skeleton buried with N:S orientation in earthen grave, parallel to 4005 but not adjacent to it. |