Context | Context Type | Definition | Issued to | Issued on |
VM_2442 | HRU | adult skeleton parallel to 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2445 | HRU | infant skeleton on N-S axis parallel to wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2463 | HRU | skeleton of child on S-N orientation west of church facade and HRU 2435* | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_2377 | HRU | skeleton of child north of 2103 and under 2370* | Cori Fenwick | 25-7-2007 |
VM_4196 | HRU | partial adult skeleton on N-S orientation in cut 4198, cut by 4166 | Frances Parton | 21-7-2008 |
VM_2751 | HRU | skeleton of child, parallel to tomb D, above HRU 2735* | Cori Fenwick | 24-7-2008 |
VM_2638 | HRU | skeleton of adult below HRU 2583* and north of porch | Cori Fenwick | 14-7-2008 |
VM_4118 | HRU | skeleton buried on the western edge of the trench whose upper body lies outside the section | Megan McNamee | 26-7-2007 |
VM_2706 | HRU | skeleton of a child north of 2001 and west of church facade | Cori Fenwick | 22-7-2008 |
VM_2341 | HRU | skeleton of infant with head tilted towards south, south of wall 2001. | Cori Fenwick | 17-7-2007 |
VM_2163 | HRU | skeleton of child south of wall 2081 and north of HRU 2111* | Cori Fenwick | 12-6-2007 |
VM_2380 | HRU | burial of adult below 2388* in tomb E on north side | Jordan Pickett | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2570 | HRU | skeleton of adult in tomb D, below 2567* | Claudia Asper | 8-7-2008 |
VM_2134 | HRU | scheletro umano ad ovest di 2061 | Justin Leidwanger | 6-7-2006 |
VM_2370 | HRU | skeleton of baby/small child north of 2103 with bone carved cross | Karen Heslin | 20-7-2007 |
VM_2260 | HRU | skeleton of child south of wall 2001 and of HRU 2254* | Karen Heslin | 4-7-2007 |
VM_4073 | HRU | scheletro in posizione supina con andamento N-S adiacente il lato occidentale di SU 4005 | Raffaele Laino | 17-7-2007 |
VM_2848 | HRU | partial skeleton of child immediately east of 2840 | Cori Fenwick | 4-6-2009 |
VM_2845 | HRU | partial skeleton of infant on top of 2840 | Cori Fenwick | 4-6-2009 |
VM_2857 | HRU | adult skeleton in corner of wall 2001 and church facade (north of 2001) | Cori Fenwick | 4-6-2009 |
VM_2925 | HRU | skeleton of child cut by grave of HRU 2869* in tomb G | Cori Fenwick | 12-6-2009 |
VM_3524 | HRU | tomb K adult skeleton - head displaced left side | Cori Fenwick | 30-6-2009 |
VM_5317 | HRU | infant skeleton in small walled tomb against and parallel to 5272 in room 23 | Meg Andrews | 2-7-2009 |
VM_3603 | HRU | juvenile skeleton parallel to 2345 | Cori Fenwick | 7-7-2009 |
VM_4378 | HRU | scheletro della tomba ubicata nella parte NE dell' amb. I | Archidio Mariani | 15-7-2009 |
VM_4370 | HRU | skeleton with twisted spine in tomb along north side of narthex | Megan McNamee | 15-7-2009 |
VM_3885 | HRU | uppermost adult skeleton in marble slab tomb | Cori Fenwick | 14-6-2010 |
VM_3864 | HRU | N-S adult burial in walled tomb abutting SW church facade. | Cori Fenwick | 24-7-2009 |
VM_3911 | HRU | adult skeleton in built tomb in narthex north of 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 17-6-2010 |
VM_3914 | HRU | juvenile skeleton in 'central walled tomb' in S narthex | Cori Fenwick | 17-6-2010 |