Context | Context Type | Definition | Issued to | Issued on |
VM_2831 | HRU | adult skeleton cut by wall 2001 in SE corner of churchyard | Cori Fenwick | 29-5-2009 |
VM_2197 | HRU | skeleton of an infant west of HRU 2180* and north of wall 2103 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2451 | HRU | adult skeleton, torso cut by wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2201 | HRU | skeleton of an infant south of wall 2001 and east of wall 2081 on N-S orientation | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2460 | HRU | skeleton of juvenile on W-E orintation, west of wall 2328 | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_2445 | HRU | infant skeleton on N-S axis parallel to wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2204 | HRU | skeleton of a child south of wall 2001 and east of wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 19-6-2007 |
VM_2435 | HRU | adult skeleton west of church facade and perpendicular to wall 2001 | Claudia Moser | 16-6-2008 |
VM_2377 | HRU | skeleton of child north of 2103 and under 2370* | Cori Fenwick | 25-7-2007 |
VM_2700 | HRU | lower half of skeleton on E-W axis parallel to 2410 | Cori Fenwick | 21-7-2008 |
VM_2426 | HRU | adult skeleton parallel to wall 2001 and below HRU 2423* | Tyler Franconi | 17-6-2008 |
VM_2207 | HRU | skeleton of an adult east of wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2423 | HRU | skeleton of child cut by 2001 and cuts HRU 2426 | Claudia Moser | 16-6-2008 |
VM_4181 | HRU | partial adult skeleton, N-S orientation just south of 4172* | Megan McNamee | 21-7-2008 |
VM_2599 | HRU | skeleton of juvenile parallel to 2001 in front of the wall of the church | Cori Fenwick | 23-7-2008 |
VM_2584 | HRU | partial skeleton of adult below HRU 2580 | Claudia Asper | 9-7-2008 |
VM_2634 | HRU | skeleton of infant in walled tomb | Cori Fenwick | 14-7-2008 |
VM_4172 | HRU | superior half of a juvenile skeleton with a N-S orientation just west of the 2007 LOE | Megan McNamee | 15-7-2008 |
VM_2751 | HRU | skeleton of child, parallel to tomb D, above HRU 2735* | Cori Fenwick | 24-7-2008 |
VM_2224 | HRU | partial skeleton east of wall 2081 | Claudia Asper | 20-6-2007 |
VM_2638 | HRU | skeleton of adult below HRU 2583* and north of porch | Cori Fenwick | 14-7-2008 |
VM_2235 | HRU | skeleton west of wall 2081 and south of wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 3-7-2007 |
VM_4118 | HRU | skeleton buried on the western edge of the trench whose upper body lies outside the section | Megan McNamee | 26-7-2007 |
VM_2281 | HRU | skeleton | Cori Fenwick | 9-7-2007 |
VM_2454 | HRU | adult skeleton with N-S orientation abutting wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2580 | HRU | skeleton of adult below 2504* | Claudia Asper | 9-7-2008 |
VM_2469 | HRU | adult skeleton in corner between 2081 and 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_2241 | HRU | skeleton south of wall 2001 and north of HRU 2207* | Cori Fenwick | 3-7-2007 |
VM_4146 | HRU | S-N oriented skeleton immediately west of 4142* | Megan McNamee | 24-6-2008 |
VM_2596 | HRU | skeleton of infant in corner between 2081 and 2103 | Cori Fenwick | 23-7-2008 |