Context | Context Type | Definition | Issued to | Issued on |
VM_2442 | HRU | adult skeleton parallel to 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2438 | HRU | juvenile skeleton parallel to 2001 and cuts into 2328 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2457 | HRU | skeleton of infant on W-E axis west of wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_4196 | HRU | partial adult skeleton on N-S orientation in cut 4198, cut by 4166 | Frances Parton | 21-7-2008 |
VM_2210 | HRU | skeleton of an adult north of HRU 2110* | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_4199 | HRU | adult skeleton missing parts of feet and parts of cranium on N-S orientation covered by HRU 4146* | Cori Fenwick | 22-7-2008 |
VM_2466 | HRU | skeleton of child on S-N orientation, west of church and below 2463* | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_4040 | HRU | scheletro posto nell interstizio tra SSU 4005 e SSU 4014, lato occidentale | Raffaele Laino | 17-7-2007 |
VM_2685 | HRU | E-W skeleton inside campanile | Cori Fenwick | 17-7-2008 |
VM_2273 | HRU | skeleton of adult east of 2026 and west of church facade | Karen Heslin | 6-7-2007 |
VM_2706 | HRU | skeleton of a child north of 2001 and west of church facade | Cori Fenwick | 22-7-2008 |
VM_2709 | HRU | skeleton of a child north of wall 2001 and cut by grave of HRU 2706* | Cori Fenwick | 22-7-2008 |
VM_2275 | HRU | skeleton of adult west of church facade | Cori Fenwick | 9-7-2007 |
VM_2354 | HRU | scheletro di bambino in fossa terragna | Karen Heslin | 18-7-2007 |
VM_2743 | HRU | skeleton of adult on SW-NE orientation, north of 2001 and above HRU 2476* | Cori Fenwick | 24-7-2008 |
VM_2257 | HRU | skeleton of adult south of wall 2001 and west of church facade | Karen Heslin | 4-7-2007 |
VM_2357 | HRU | skeleton of infant in tomb E, above 2348 | Karen Heslin | 18-7-2007 |
VM_2294 | HRU | skeleton of infant south of wall 2001 and above HRU 2291* | Cori Fenwick | 11-7-2007 |
VM_2821 | HRU | fragmentary skeleton west of 2807 and north of 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 29-7-2008 |
VM_2383 | HRU | adult male skeleton east of 2081 and west of church facade | Jordan Pickett | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2163 | HRU | skeleton of child south of wall 2081 and north of HRU 2111* | Cori Fenwick | 12-6-2007 |
VM_2380 | HRU | burial of adult below 2388* in tomb E on north side | Jordan Pickett | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2159 | HRU | scheletro umano di un bambino a ridosso del muro [2081] | Cori Fenwick | 11-6-2007 |
VM_2364 | HRU | skeleton of an adult south of wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 19-7-2007 |
VM_2554 | HRU | skeleton south of 2331 immediately west of 2504* | Cori Fenwick | 7-7-2008 |
VM_2769 | HRU | skeleton of adult on N-S orientation, above HRU 2726*, and parallel to wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 25-7-2008 |
VM_2134 | HRU | scheletro umano ad ovest di 2061 | Justin Leidwanger | 6-7-2006 |
VM_2370 | HRU | skeleton of baby/small child north of 2103 with bone carved cross | Karen Heslin | 20-7-2007 |
VM_2173 | HRU | human skeleton to west of church facade and south of wall 2001, north of HRU 2170* | Claudia Asper | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2486 | HRU | partial skeleton of child west of wall 2321 | Cori Fenwick | 23-6-2008 |