Context | Context Type | Definition | Issued to | Issued on |
VM_2831 | HRU | adult skeleton cut by wall 2001 in SE corner of churchyard | Cori Fenwick | 29-5-2009 |
VM_2197 | HRU | skeleton of an infant west of HRU 2180* and north of wall 2103 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2442 | HRU | adult skeleton parallel to 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_2457 | HRU | skeleton of infant on W-E axis west of wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_2201 | HRU | skeleton of an infant south of wall 2001 and east of wall 2081 on N-S orientation | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2460 | HRU | skeleton of juvenile on W-E orintation, west of wall 2328 | Cori Fenwick | 20-6-2008 |
VM_2204 | HRU | skeleton of a child south of wall 2001 and east of wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 19-6-2007 |
VM_2426 | HRU | adult skeleton parallel to wall 2001 and below HRU 2423* | Tyler Franconi | 17-6-2008 |
VM_2423 | HRU | skeleton of child cut by 2001 and cuts HRU 2426 | Claudia Moser | 16-6-2008 |
VM_2214 | HRU | skeleton north of HRU 2210* and south of 2207* | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2007 |
VM_2235 | HRU | skeleton west of wall 2081 and south of wall 2001 | Cori Fenwick | 3-7-2007 |
VM_2751 | HRU | skeleton of child, parallel to tomb D, above HRU 2735* | Cori Fenwick | 24-7-2008 |
VM_2224 | HRU | partial skeleton east of wall 2081 | Claudia Asper | 20-6-2007 |
VM_2454 | HRU | adult skeleton with N-S orientation abutting wall 2081 | Cori Fenwick | 18-6-2008 |
VM_4146 | HRU | S-N oriented skeleton immediately west of 4142* | Megan McNamee | 24-6-2008 |
VM_4083 | HRU | Scheletro con andamento N-S posto al centro del lato occidentale del saggio. | Raffaele Laino | 23-7-2007 |
VM_2504 | HRU | adult skeleton east of wall 2331 and parallel to HRU 2486* | Cori Fenwick | 25-6-2008 |
VM_2341 | HRU | skeleton of infant with head tilted towards south, south of wall 2001. | Cori Fenwick | 17-7-2007 |
VM_2278 | HRU | partial skeleton of an infant north of wall 2103 | Cori Fenwick | 9-7-2007 |
VM_2284 | HRU | skeleton west of church facade and below 2275* | Cori Fenwick | 9-7-2007 |
VM_2159 | HRU | scheletro umano di un bambino a ridosso del muro [2081] | Cori Fenwick | 11-6-2007 |
VM_2573 | HRU | skeleton of infant, north of 2001 | Claudia Asper | 8-7-2008 |
VM_2554 | HRU | skeleton south of 2331 immediately west of 2504* | Cori Fenwick | 7-7-2008 |
VM_2134 | HRU | scheletro umano ad ovest di 2061 | Justin Leidwanger | 6-7-2006 |
VM_2370 | HRU | skeleton of baby/small child north of 2103 with bone carved cross | Karen Heslin | 20-7-2007 |
VM_2106 | HRU | scheletro umano di un adulto con piedi verso la facciata della chiesa | Justin Leidwanger | 4-7-2006 |
VM_2110 | HRU | cranio di un scheletro umano collocato nell area SO della trincea | Justin Leidwanger | 4-7-2006 |
VM_2374 | HRU | skeleton in supine position with extended legs | Ilaria Sabatini | 20-7-2007 |
VM_2132 | HRU | scheletro (parziale) sul limite sud di 2123 | Justin Leidwanger | 6-7-2006 |
VM_4121 | HRU | Skeleton buried on the western edge of the trench. Cut for the construction of wall SU 4018. Only the spine and ribs remain. | Megan McNamee | 26-7-2007 |